we're dedicated to helping your financial goals

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Key Features

NARPAVI SMALL FINANCE BANK is ISO 9001:2015 certified Brand, Registered Under the Trade Mark Registry

“One of the leading Nidhi companies in India, AKS Narpavi Nidhi Ltd is a notified Nidhi Company by the Government of India”
It takes the promotional business of aks narpavi nithi limited company – Incorporated under company act 2013, under Nidhi Rules 2014, by the innovative leadership of inspired professionals in this revolutionary market trend. A company declared as a Nidhi (NBFC) under section 620(A) of the Companies Act,1956 . Nidhi have many features which make them stand distinctly apart from many other Non-Banking financial institutions who are working under the guide line of R.B.I

“SMALL BUSINESSES ARE THE BACKBONE OF THE NATION. WE ARE THEIR BACKBONE.”aks narpavi Nidhi Ltd has the rules and objectives of that are the same as a Bank in India, but it is only in effect to Members of Nidhi Company. Its Non – banking financials Institutions with Quasi banking functions.

As our motive is to provide exceptional customer service to our members as well as to our nation. Providing a world class financial support, aks narpavi nidhi Limited is continuously securing the society we live in; on the other side, creating all new service methods spontaneously, aks narpavi Nidhi is presenting a pleasant way which will help human beings to lead the life comfortably. In a word we can say that RealGrowth Nidhi is the “New Way of Your Savings.


narpavi chitfunds private limited – The Company was incorporated and registered with the Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu, Chennai. has made its presence felt in the Chit Funds industry with their Registered Office / Corporate Office and Branches. It is a Private Limited Company with CIN …………………….. and a Registered Chit Funds Company under the Chit Fund Act with Registrar of Chit Funds, Chennai. It proposes to expand all over and across Tamil Nadu in a short span of time. naarpavi finance
Our Vision

We Has Biggest Vission To maximize your financial success With Us

Give Holistic Approach

Have Professional Expertise

Give Transparency Service